coming out of hiding to say yay for the democrats! it's a clean sweep and a sound kick in the arse to bush, and that makes me ridiculously happy. FINALLY the americans are showing why they are the greatest nation on earth - this is how democracy works. if your government does not work, change it. and oh how they did in style.
go over to michael moore's website to see thousands of picture of ordinary americans who have sent in pictures of themselves holding brooms at their polling stations. this is why america is the place to be, and why i can get goosebumps from across the atlantic: so many of them - say what you like about redneck country-bumpkin parochial americans - care about being involved in their government. every single one of them feel keenly their stake in the process - in a country of 250 million, that is just fucking amazing.
and the first woman speaker of the house? oh yeah.

you hear time and time again americans saying: that this is not a vote for the democrats, it's a vote against the republicans. there is no fear: they're revelling in showing just how pissed off they are with their government. how awesome is that? i think it was gandhi that said the spirit of democracy cannot be imposed from without, it has to come from within. And in the reports of historically high turn-out, in every picture of an american getting involved: whether leo dicaprio "getting the vote out", or some random yank holding a broom in pahrump, nevada: you can see that spirit spilling forth...they just can't contain it.
"in a democracy, dissent is an act of faith." oh for the day that the 4 million of us learn to take that step of faith.
go over to michael moore's website to see thousands of picture of ordinary americans who have sent in pictures of themselves holding brooms at their polling stations. this is why america is the place to be, and why i can get goosebumps from across the atlantic: so many of them - say what you like about redneck country-bumpkin parochial americans - care about being involved in their government. every single one of them feel keenly their stake in the process - in a country of 250 million, that is just fucking amazing.
and the first woman speaker of the house? oh yeah.

you hear time and time again americans saying: that this is not a vote for the democrats, it's a vote against the republicans. there is no fear: they're revelling in showing just how pissed off they are with their government. how awesome is that? i think it was gandhi that said the spirit of democracy cannot be imposed from without, it has to come from within. And in the reports of historically high turn-out, in every picture of an american getting involved: whether leo dicaprio "getting the vote out", or some random yank holding a broom in pahrump, nevada: you can see that spirit spilling forth...they just can't contain it.
"in a democracy, dissent is an act of faith." oh for the day that the 4 million of us learn to take that step of faith.