Sunday, August 27, 2006

they're taking over the world!

this is an egregious offence against humanity:

not just that this is jared leto, who was so dreamy in my so-called life. not just that he's wearing skinny jeans (all men take note: skinny jeans are not for you). not just that he's got lank, emo hair and thickly, badly-applied eyeliner.

take a closer look, people:

silver crocs

that's right. the world is coming to an end.

Friday, August 18, 2006

the things interns do at work

Over Lotus Chat even though our desks are NEXT TO EACH OTHER.

Danielle Ang YH... eh rach i ask u
Danielle Ang YH... this nicer

Danielle Ang YH... or this one?

Rachel Chang WQ... uhm they are EXACTLY THE SAME?!

ordinary people

so awesome.

You are an utterly mediocre, boring ordinary human being. Every thought you have has been thought of thousands of times before by beings with the sentient abilities of amoeba, although they may seem like revelations to you. You are mundane and soulless, and your existence serves the sole purpose of moving bile from point A to point B.
Chances are, Henry Kissinger didn't consult you when he was planning to bomb Cambodia, and the odds are that Tiger Woods will not call you to check on his golf swing. You matter very little in the greater scheme of things. No one gives a damn about you apart from that family of yours and the breed of inbred mutants you call friends. You will live to about 70 by which time you will accomplish absolutely nothing of note, and die a bitter, boring, drooling old man/woman in a pool of your own shit. Your kids will turn out exactly like you and will take up oxygen better kept for people who really mean something. Try not to breed. You should have been a blowjob.

"You should have been a blowjob" is just probably the best fucking insult I have never heard.

found this through zyn.
yes, I read her archives at work.
yes, I have no life.
FINE, I'm not THAT busy la.

you're not in kansas anymore

I, have never actually worked this hard in my life. I don't remember working this hard at the money desk lor, although I was there for so long. (ok fine, 6 months is not THAT long in the great scheme of things. But it's actually pretty long life span.) Then, there was slightly less freedom, I suppose - I had to come in by a certain time (note, BY a certain time, not AT), and I had to account for where I was most of the time - but I don't recall having to be this responsible. I certainly don't recall thinking about my stories on the MRT, or brain-waving in taxis, or arm-twisting my father into helping out with contacts.

I also certainly don't remember running out from an event to take a call from some petulant MP, scribbling frantically into a notebook like one of those weird reporters. I don't recall having to come up with angles myself - those were always supplied by Ignatius. I don't recall having to actually do any kind of "legwork", or investigative-type things..all the information I needed used to be found in the press release.

Never needed to cajole people to talk to me; all those corp comms people are so nauseatingly eager-to-please.
Never needed to raise my voice at rude taxi company bosses; they were always so pleasant!
And certainly never needed to think about what angle to take on a butch named Ryan.

And I don't recall ever feeling so unequal to the task set before me as I do now. And to think the worst is yet to come! 100 cm down, about A THOUSAND MORE TO GO.

With an editor on leave, and no one really to moniter our comings and goings, one would think that life would be super slack. Unfortunately, it's more like being dropped into the deep end with your uhm, waterwings, somewhere in Australia.

And I'm treading water like a bitch.

Monday, August 14, 2006


When do you know that you're standing on the ledge, peering over the abyss?

1) When you're puking on your shoes as the taxi driver watches sympathetically, getting out of his car to get you water to clean the vomit off?
2) When you're chain-smoking menthols with two of your best friends and about 10 random One Rochester employees?
3) When you actually - for a minute - wonder if you wouldn't mind 'getting to know' that interested barman?
4) When you don't stop drinking just because the wine keeps appearing, courtesy of a few bored ex-colleagues?
5) When you start crying over your 6th glass of lychee wine, just because?
6) When you spend the whole day talking about God, and thinking about God, and promising to pray for each other....and then somehow end up hunched over a toilet bowl throwing up your spicey potatoes while your "accountability partner" (hah!) hovers outside asking if you're ok?
7) Or when you half-facetiously ask your younger fellow intern "why do i do this to myself?", and she - of the wide-eyed dopey punk rocker youthfulness - she looks at your puffy hungover eyes, and simply and wisely asks "Escapism?"? And in that moment you realise that you've become the cliche you swore you would never be.

Enough. Enough now.

Monday, August 07, 2006

freedom from the press


worth every effort to plough through.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


singing oh oh oh yeah:
11:06 my hormones are doing my head in.
11:06 yup. dead like a duck in the water.
11:06 and u know what? it really is completely his loss
11:06 i am so awesome in every possible way.
11:06 he will slowly feel his guilt and stupidity rob him of every will to live.
11:06 hee
11:07 and i will fabulously not give a shit.

11:07 hahaha! yes! this is the rachel i know and love!

i am, indeed, back.

as is the tagboard, by the way. EVERYONE say hi!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

in my head

from a diary (the little green dog one!) entry years ago:

"it's rather stupid to feel like your heart's been broken when you've never actually been involved at all. But you know, in your head you were. In your head, he held your hand and told you that you fit. In your head he said you filled his poetic memory. In your head you had a first date, a first kiss, even a whole freakin' marriage. In your head he remembered every moment in detail the way you do. In your head it would be a happily ever was only a matter of time.

In you head he wouldn't have said those your head he wouldn't have walked away from you like that. In your head he would never have made you cry like that, he would never look at her like that, he would not break your heart without even trying and without knowing he did at all.

Too bad you can't live in your head."

that entry is so emo it just cracks me up. hopefully in another couple of years i will similarly look back on the angstier entries in this blog and smile at my youthful ebullience. then again, part of me is loathe to dismiss the sentiment of that diary entry..i can hardly remember (hah!), but i know i felt every crystalline moment of that pain. so maybe instead of feeling superior as i love to do (the pre-adult me feeling superior to the post-pubescent me) (no, the irony isn't lost on me)), maybe i should just comfort myself presently with the fact that that "he" is now a stranger to me, in every sense of the word.

life goes quietly and so resolutely that we fail to notice most of the time.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

the sunnier side of doubt

jen and i were talking about how some people have naturally melancholic souls. you know the kind..alot of them are actually clinically depressive, but some aren't. that friend who just doesn't stop whining. the one, when in neutral mode (i.e nothing particularly bad or good happening in his life), will just gravitate towards thinking of the shit, and even pathetically reaching to convince you that he deserves your sympathy: "AND i'm single!!". the kind who actually does say the words "my life very hard" without any irony at all.

so just a while ago, jo tells me "you're so strong" (not physically, people). stunned as i am by this compliment - because i don't think i am at all - i realise that she means that i just seem to take alot of things in my stride. (save a few nights of wallowing into long island iced teas here and there usually spurred on by my menstrual cycle). i self-reflect for a few moments, as one is wont to do now and then. then i realise: it's not that i am particularly strong..god knows (and through my sister the apostle, reminds constantly) i haven't been through enough adversity.

but i'm just one of those people without a melancholic soul. I do feel awful when shit happens...but there's only so much feeling sad i can do. my mind just wanders. i used to force myself to concentrate my mind on every facet of just how shitty the shitty thing that was currently happening is. but the truth soul isn't melancholic; at heart i am a bimbo. i can ruminate for ages on how i need to learn eyebrow trimming properly, and maybe i can take classes, but from whom? and don't have time leh? also, i need a new pedicure etc etc, but it is almost impossible for me to feel the heavy burden of seeing with uncovered eyes the meaninglessness of life etc etc.

it's a blessing, i told jo (whom i have also identified as a fellow bimbo-soul). it means we feel the wonderful things in life (such as anticipating the pleasure of a forever 21 sale) so much more keenly than the awful stuff. so maybe on the outside that looks strong. but i know it for what is it: something to get on your knees and be thankful for - a preternatural inclination to see the sunnier side of doubt.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

a new beginning!

yay. and the title is from a much classier source than ahem, a ben jelen song.

For nothing worthy proving can be proven,
Nor yet disproven; wherefore thou be wise,
Cleave ever to the sunnier side of doubt

The Ancient Sage