well, since my sister and father have been making so much noise: here it is, updates from the holiday!
us in the snow with our van. yes, our VAN (long story, stay tuned!). it was snowing in oxford, and we had just finished a wonderful thai meal at oxford thai (my sister: the colon is before "to". make the cheque out to "to oxford thai!"), we were all very excited abt the snow, as you can tell from the glee.
my sister and I at southend, nick's aunt's house where we spent christmas. it was lovely there on christmas day - just an endless stretch of sky over this dried up sea with boats perched on the stonebed like some kind of modern art exhibit. the tide was so low that day. such a lovely place: new resolution: to buy parents retirement home there! (since they were hinting so heavily, (although hint is an understatement (dad: rachel, why don't you buy a retirement home here for us!)) i suppose this comes as no surprise to anyone. haha)
more snow in oxford!

this pic is only posted because when i was looking at it on nick's comp with my sister, i asked "why is my face like that!", and he said "that was the 'my hand very pain! very cold very pain!' moment". hee. it was when we were throwing snowballs at each other, and i took off my gloves to make snowballs right, and then they just hurt sooo much from the cold. seriously people, they were numb for the rest of the day.
my mother in a very artistic shot of the louvre. see the reflection in the water! (ok i know, it spoils it to point it out. but then no one will notice like the stonehenge pic ok! so i have to)
us at the arc de triomphe. we were almost scammed by some mainland counterfeit syndicate that night! stay tuned for that story as well. haha! (although my sister is right, these stories are probably never going to come. they might, though. or will they?)
family picture in front of the notre dame. we have a family picture like this in front of every famous monument. it's like we did one of those lame superimposed things. that would probably have cost us much less, come to think of it.
all five of us by the seine. as you can tell, my father is freezing.
nice misty eiffel tower. this is like one of those corny honeymoon shots right. but quite cute la.
us on the eiffel tower. my mum, me and my dad are the french colours!! my sister had to spoil it, pah. haha
ice-skating on the eiffel tower! SO much fun.
more ice-skating fun
frolicking in the jardin des tuileries
mum in hyde park on their first day there. we walked through hyde park, past buckingham palace and all the way to leicester square that day. it was the first day of the holiday though, so everyone was buoyant and energetic still.
in the london eye capsule! i now am the proud owner of a picture keychain, of us in the london eye capsule that they take from outside the capsule. you know those they take for every capsule, and you can order it if you want? well, we were super enthu for our picture, and everyone else standing around us were like, whatev. haha.
there was quite a crowd at the london eye the day we went also, and when they ushered people into each capsule, they only had like, 12 people in ours, lots of space for everyone to have window space to themselves. and the thing was, we were all so shocked cos we had all assumed that they would be herding and packing us in like cattle. sis: "well, that's what they would have done in shanghai!"
in front of some building in parliament square. should be the house of lords? aiyah, who really cares right. haha

more snow in oxford!


there was quite a crowd at the london eye the day we went also, and when they ushered people into each capsule, they only had like, 12 people in ours, lots of space for everyone to have window space to themselves. and the thing was, we were all so shocked cos we had all assumed that they would be herding and packing us in like cattle. sis: "well, that's what they would have done in shanghai!"

hey i got the scoop on the chinese syndicate! the LV quota was only imposed on everyone because these chinese syndicate buy alot and bring back to china and sell, and also to copy. But technically within paris there's nothing wrong with buying for them if the guards don't realise u're buying for them. In fact, if u get away with it, u can even get the tax returns frm the airport. heh
Posted by
R |
10:04 AM
Oh yah and correction - the snow pic was taken BEFORE the wonderful thai meal actually.
Posted by
R |
10:13 AM