london is so big. it's so easy to get lost (and i have, constantly). it's so pretty as well - not as pretty as oxford in the day, but loads prettier at night. And it's just so bustly and busy, and everyone's so purposeful and well-dressed (not like in oxford: students everywhere in jumpers and sneakers. i was berated once for looking through my suitcase for my sneakers. st: "hi, you're in london lor. no one wears sneakers here!"). And it's's london! walking through leicester square just makes me so happy: seeing the giant H&Ms, and the billboards everywhere advertising this musical or that play, and riding the tube. I haven't been doing many touristy things so far, waiting for my parents to do all of that. But just wandering around, shopping, or sitting in a cafe in oxford street just reading for a few hours while outside the world passes you by. (ahhhh that is something i have missed in oxford: there's just no time for simply sitting around. even if it is the economist you're reading). And that feeling you get when the city is so big: that you could die right now and no one would even notice and people would probably just step over your prostrate body...that's so awesome.
i'll post more about london when it's been properly done. But first, abit about the last few days of michaelmas.
The christmas dinner was quite fun: but playing poker after and cleaning everyone out was more fun!! (and only my second time ever playing thank you! veno's face on that last hand when he realised that my straight trumped his was sweeeeet. heh)
our table at christmas dinner:

whitehall 1! (my floor):

paul, dush and I at dinner:

a few of the third-year's I'm friends with thanks to Vicky. it was a few of them I beat at poker. heh. we're all standing on chairs because this was taken right after the whoooole dining hall (basically the whole college) gets up on their chairs after dinner and everyone belts out "teddy bears' picnic" and other christmas carols, it's sooo crazy and fun heh.

random pic of teddy hall singaporeans on cornmarket street on the second last day of term. awww we've come so far since the first day we all met!
i'll post more about london when it's been properly done. But first, abit about the last few days of michaelmas.
The christmas dinner was quite fun: but playing poker after and cleaning everyone out was more fun!! (and only my second time ever playing thank you! veno's face on that last hand when he realised that my straight trumped his was sweeeeet. heh)
our table at christmas dinner:

whitehall 1! (my floor):

paul, dush and I at dinner:

a few of the third-year's I'm friends with thanks to Vicky. it was a few of them I beat at poker. heh. we're all standing on chairs because this was taken right after the whoooole dining hall (basically the whole college) gets up on their chairs after dinner and everyone belts out "teddy bears' picnic" and other christmas carols, it's sooo crazy and fun heh.

random pic of teddy hall singaporeans on cornmarket street on the second last day of term. awww we've come so far since the first day we all met!