ordinary people
so awesome.
You are an utterly mediocre, boring ordinary human being. Every thought you have has been thought of thousands of times before by beings with the sentient abilities of amoeba, although they may seem like revelations to you. You are mundane and soulless, and your existence serves the sole purpose of moving bile from point A to point B.
Chances are, Henry Kissinger didn't consult you when he was planning to bomb Cambodia, and the odds are that Tiger Woods will not call you to check on his golf swing. You matter very little in the greater scheme of things. No one gives a damn about you apart from that family of yours and the breed of inbred mutants you call friends. You will live to about 70 by which time you will accomplish absolutely nothing of note, and die a bitter, boring, drooling old man/woman in a pool of your own shit. Your kids will turn out exactly like you and will take up oxygen better kept for people who really mean something. Try not to breed. You should have been a blowjob.
"You should have been a blowjob" is just probably the best fucking insult I have never heard.
found this through zyn.
yes, I read her archives at work.
yes, I have no life.
FINE, I'm not THAT busy la.
You are an utterly mediocre, boring ordinary human being. Every thought you have has been thought of thousands of times before by beings with the sentient abilities of amoeba, although they may seem like revelations to you. You are mundane and soulless, and your existence serves the sole purpose of moving bile from point A to point B.
Chances are, Henry Kissinger didn't consult you when he was planning to bomb Cambodia, and the odds are that Tiger Woods will not call you to check on his golf swing. You matter very little in the greater scheme of things. No one gives a damn about you apart from that family of yours and the breed of inbred mutants you call friends. You will live to about 70 by which time you will accomplish absolutely nothing of note, and die a bitter, boring, drooling old man/woman in a pool of your own shit. Your kids will turn out exactly like you and will take up oxygen better kept for people who really mean something. Try not to breed. You should have been a blowjob.
"You should have been a blowjob" is just probably the best fucking insult I have never heard.
found this through zyn.
yes, I read her archives at work.
yes, I have no life.
FINE, I'm not THAT busy la.
Heya i was tellin u abt this today - check it out:
Posted by
R |
9:44 AM
Hi, it's me Hades and I see you have an extract from my site.
No I am not going to sue anyone for infringement of copyright, just wanted to drop a note to thank you for reading my shit. It's a nice change from the usual "who do you think you are you evil bastard!" kind of comment :)
Hades, the Evil Atheist
Posted by
Hades |
9:23 AM