at the risk of over-shadowing my last post (which was, erhem, quoted (ok, on yaxin's blog, which is hardly the zenith of intellectual achievement. but still!)): (zhuang's) pics from edinburgh -
arthur's seat, which we climbed! (my (regretful) suggestion.) that's tiny me and tiny dush.
view of some stuff from the entrance of the edinburgh castle.
dush's neighbourhood
tired and crabby. perhaps the most revealing picture of the lot. hah.
princes street.
in the scottish parliament.
stealthily taken on the train. zhuang loves this pic. him: "2/3 rule of beauty blah blah blah". me: "i look puffy-eyed and bloated..and surly." (this is rather startling evidence of the fact that my "neutral" face is to most impartial observers: "scary and pissy". sigh..no wonder everyone so scared ar.)
faith and i. it was awesome seeing her again..who would have thought, 8 years ago when she migrated to glasgow, that we would be reunited in edinburgh. old friends tho, always the best kind.

u & faith have v shiny hair in this pic. and u have shiny face to match too..(sorry cldn't resist it)
Posted by
R |
4:59 AM