the big 20. gah.

the day was pretty good overall, got lovely presents (including some stuff i would never get in singapore. haha), and it was especially nice to feel special. the calls and emails was nice too - it was weird having my first birthday not-at-home, and to know that people far far away were thinking of me, made me feel a lot better.
the thing with birthdays is that the expectations built up about the day are never fulfillable. you just kind of hope to be able to sustain a tranquil happiness through the day - working hard not feel sorry for yourself, or to think about how the day could be so much better. and kind of be thankful that there are people who try to make the day as special as possible.

and when it comes time to cut the cake, your mind is suddenly filled with images of birthdays past, and how jarring it is that not one of the faces smiling at you are the ones you've gotten used to seeing year after year. but then you close your eyes hard, and it occurs: the only thing that could make turning older wonderful year after year is that when it's time to make that birthday wish - for all the regrets behind you and all the hopes in front - you feel in an instant that there's nothing else you need.
Happy birthday.
Posted by
Milan |
2:06 AM