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to whom it may concern

for those who want to know (this is where i pretend more people read my blog than i know of. when in truth, i can count on one hand the people who do haha!)

flight is on 28th sept, wednesday. 1120pm. i'll probably be there by 9pm. if you're not sure if you want to go, choose the easy way out and don't. it'll be a zoo as it is.

oh no i sound like such a callous bitch. but the truth is, i'll see everyone i want to see before the airport liao. and if i haven't seen you..then... probably not much point in coming to the airport la. but if you're coming for one of the other million people on my flight, i'll be more than happy to dispense a farewell hug. just don't linger.

haha! just kidding, really. i'll be happy to see everyone.

i'm sorry to do this, but if you're thinking of getting a farewell gift, i really need an ipod mini leather case (gorgeous white one at south asia at funan! which is 39 bucks and beyond my means), and a keyboard cover for my 12 inch ibook. (challenger at funan has them at 25 bucks, which i am honestly too broke and cheap to shell out for).

oh no i feel so shameless and bitchy. aiyah, nevermind la. only 5 people read this blog anyhow, and they should all love me enough to forgive me.