matriculation! and assorted other things
I have just officially finished by first ever philosophy essay. It's on the sceptical challenge, and Putnam's brains in a vat argument, if anyone was interested. It is now 4.18am here, by the way. And so, since I have vowed not to sleep until my rowing training at 7am, and since the amount of disgusting coffee I have ingested has made the afore avowment something of an inevitability, I am posting pictures!
My philosophy essay is rather badly done, I think. Today I had the MOST awkward economics tutorial. I had basically done half the questions half-pissed at 3am after coming back from the Turf on friday night, and when he gave back my work today, it was like my writing wasn't even on the lines! And I had to read out my answers while phoebe (my tutorial partner) "commented", and it was awkward as hell because I was basically bluffing my way through it (eg: He wants diagrams for the question: I spend 10 minutes wiping off the board, but secretly panicking thinking which fucking diagram!!) So. I thus vow to be a better student, and study more, and more seriously, for that matter. Anyhoo-
Saturday was matriculation, which was awesome. Everyone got all dressed up in our gowns and sub-fusc, and while we were all walking to the sheldonian to be matriculated, all these tourists were taking pictures of us..awesome! then everyone basically spent the whole day at the turf (THE oxford pub: greatest pub in the world) getting plastered and chanting anti-Queens rhymes. Then we all staggered back to get ready for this fancy champagne and chocolates thing that we all shelled out 12 quid for - I mean dresses and black tie - which was fun, but underwhelming. (the chocolate was like, bowls of after-eight mints, really). Then we summoned up the strength to troop off to the purple turtle ( an Oxford Union bar), but it was super unhappening (it was Chinese Association NIght i think, so lots of PRCs) we went to get kebabs, and then home.

Rosy and I. She lives 3 doors down from me, we have 3 horny boys who talk nonstop about sex between us. So we're thankful we have each other. Or we would both have to partake in conversations centering around "which is better? A blow job, or a really good shit?"
teddy hall oumssa!
floormates hanging out at the turf

this guy called saj. he's so funny, he comes from the london "ghetto" and raps!
everyone waiting for matriculation to start
My philosophy essay is rather badly done, I think. Today I had the MOST awkward economics tutorial. I had basically done half the questions half-pissed at 3am after coming back from the Turf on friday night, and when he gave back my work today, it was like my writing wasn't even on the lines! And I had to read out my answers while phoebe (my tutorial partner) "commented", and it was awkward as hell because I was basically bluffing my way through it (eg: He wants diagrams for the question: I spend 10 minutes wiping off the board, but secretly panicking thinking which fucking diagram!!) So. I thus vow to be a better student, and study more, and more seriously, for that matter. Anyhoo-
Saturday was matriculation, which was awesome. Everyone got all dressed up in our gowns and sub-fusc, and while we were all walking to the sheldonian to be matriculated, all these tourists were taking pictures of us..awesome! then everyone basically spent the whole day at the turf (THE oxford pub: greatest pub in the world) getting plastered and chanting anti-Queens rhymes. Then we all staggered back to get ready for this fancy champagne and chocolates thing that we all shelled out 12 quid for - I mean dresses and black tie - which was fun, but underwhelming. (the chocolate was like, bowls of after-eight mints, really). Then we summoned up the strength to troop off to the purple turtle ( an Oxford Union bar), but it was super unhappening (it was Chinese Association NIght i think, so lots of PRCs) we went to get kebabs, and then home.
Rosy and I. She lives 3 doors down from me, we have 3 horny boys who talk nonstop about sex between us. So we're thankful we have each other. Or we would both have to partake in conversations centering around "which is better? A blow job, or a really good shit?"
teddy hall oumssa!
this guy called saj. he's so funny, he comes from the london "ghetto" and raps!
everyone waiting for matriculation to start
Congratulations on matriculating. You probably want to turn on word verification for comments, to keep spam robots from leaving ones like the one above.
Posted by
Milan |
6:47 AM
good idea, milan. (and thanks) how do i do that?
Posted by
chang! |
4:00 AM
hullo! are those ur official robes/gowns? (or whatever they're called i forgot) thought they'd look harry-potterish but they actually look kinda mexican (just add the sombrero and the look's complete) or bohemian or something. ha ha.. nice to finally see some pictures. been complaining to nick 4 e longest time that i have no visual image of u wherever u are right now so it's hard to imagine anything at all. nice pictures anyway - half the time u look like u're at some supreme inns of court or what not. And also yah, everytime u write entries like the one b4 this one, it's quite freaky coz u sound all tortured poet-ish and then i get worried that u're actually really that beneath ur happy exterior. but in any case, keep posting its really good to hear frm u, and can try and update more abt day-to-day stuff? like ur rowing (?!!) training for instance, and school... seems like there shld be alot more to tell! ok til then take care bye! :)
Posted by
R |
10:27 AM
Hi, welcome to Oxford!
Posted by
Jo |
1:47 AM